AUEB Film Club
invites you to the screening of
(1960, Alfred Hitchcock)
on Tuesday 12/6/07 at 17:00
in classroom B (main building).
Κινηματογραφική Ομάδα Οικονομικού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών (ΑΣΟΕΕ)
Screening, blogging, shooting and festivalizing since 2007... for films you love and films you will love!
AUEB Film Club
invites you to the screening of
(1960, Alfred Hitchcock)
on Tuesday 12/6/07 at 17:00
in classroom B (main building).
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If you are not, just select profile "Name/URL".
In "Name": put your name or any nickname (facebook profile name etc).
In "URL": put a link to your site, facebook profile etc (or leave blank).
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Mpravo paidia! kalh synexeia!
ReplyDeletexairomai pou synexizete na provalete anamfisvhthths texnhs tainies provalwntas thn 7h texnh sth sxolh mas mesa ap tis omorfes tis stigmes!